Global Missions

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations

Matthew 28:19

At Crossroads, we take seriously the command of Jesus to go and make disciples.  Globally, our strategy focuses on planting churches in unreached/least reached people groups, strengthening leaders of emerging churches, and mobilizing our church body to be actively involved in His mandate.

Through full-time missionary support and short-term trips, Crossroads has impacted 42 countries in 5 continents.

If you’d like more information about Global Missions, contact

Jordan Mission Trip -
October 7-18

CBC is sending a team of 4 women to support our missionaries in the Middle East who are celebrating 25 years of ministry to the Arab women in Jordan.  Dawn Marshall, Debbie Zetzman, Paula McWilliams and Phyllis Neal are in the process of sending out their prayer support letters. If you feel led to support this upcoming mission trip to the Middle East please click the button below and look for the "Jordan Trip 2024" fund option under the giving tab below missions. For more information contact Dawn Marshall or the team if you have any questions or if you would like to receive their prayer letter & trip updates.

Active Missionaries

BEE World

CRU Leader Impact

BEE World addresses the growing world-wide biblical leadership crisis by providing seminary-level training for pastors and church leaders who otherwise have no access to biblical education. Their vision is to provide that access to anyone who desires to mature as a disciple of Jesus Christ.

Crossroads supports seven missionaries living in Colorado who travel in restricted countries primarily in Asia, Africa and the Middle East. They facilitate curriculum for pastors and leaders who then train a new group, a principal of multiplication found in 2 Timothy 2:2.  

Click HERE for more information about BEE World.
Email Contact:


The vision of Christar is to cultivate Christ-honoring transformation in communities where He is yet to be worshiped.

Through Christar, Crossroads supports Nabeeh and Ruba Abbassi serving in Jordan. Nabeeh is the director of Arab Center for Consulting and Training Services (ACCTS) which exists “to see the Arab community living in peace and harmony; empowered spiritually, psychologically and physically.” It provides support for those impacted by poverty and marginalization and seeks to address the causes behind these issues.
Ruba directs Arab Women Today (AWT), reaching women throughout the Arab world equipping them to make a difference in their lives and their society.

CBC also supports the Gray family based in France. To support this family directly, please click HERE and type in number 459 to ensure your gift is added to their account. You can contact them by emailing

Click HERE to find out more information on Christar.

Life Romania

LIFE Romania exists for one purpose—to impact the world to become Christ-followers. Their focus is upon the youth of Romania and the communities where they live. Since 2006, they have labored to establish an effective and sustainable model to reach young people for Christ.  A natural outgrowth of this camp/sports ministry is partnering with local churches all over Romania, providing them with resources (training, seminars, mini sports camps, supplies)  to reach their communities.

Crossroads supports Iulian and Roxana Avramescu and has taken numerous short-term trips to Camp Mia, Pastoral Conferences, and Counselor Training.

Click HERE for more information about Life Romania and the Avramescu's ministry.
Email contact:


Handi*Vangelism (H*V) began in 1973 as a ministry of compassion under its parent organization, BCM International. H*V’s primary mission was to challenge and train churches to minister to people with disabilities. In 2004 H*V became Handi*Vangelism Ministries International (H*VMI), an independent Christian mission organization, comprised of three program areas: disability; grief; training and equipping. H*VMI is a 501(c)(3), non-profit
religious mission organization with church status incorporated
in the State of Pennsylvania.

Crossroads Supports Handi*Vangelism
Executive Director Kyle Robinson.
For more information on Handi*Vangelism,

Practice Collective

Practice Collective is a Christ-centered 501c3 that seeks to provide holistic experiences, safe communities, and relevant resources that invite and encourage followers of Jesus Christ on their inward and outward journey of spiritual transformation.

Crossroads supports Cheri Hudspith, co-founder of Practice Collective and CBC member.

For more information about Practice Collective, visit
Cru's purpose is helping to fulfill the Great Commission in the power of the Holy Spirit by winning people to faith in Jesus Christ, building them in their faith and sending them to win and build others, and helping the body of Christ to do evangelism and discipleship through a variety of creative ways.

Through cru, Crossroads supports
Genti and Erjona Tupa, who serve in the Family Life Ministries division in Albania. They lead an outreach to professionals and families through community events and seminars.

To find out more about this ministry, click HERE.
Email contact:

We also support CBC member Brian Lanning who does evangelism and discipleship with students at UNT. To find out more about his ministry click HERE or email Brian at

GEM - Greater Europe Mission

GEM is reaching Europe by multiplying disciples, growing Christ's Church and expanding His kingdom throughout Europe and the world.

Through GEM, Crossroads supports Peter and Margre Hays in Netherlands. Peter is a professor of Theology at Tyndale Theological Seminary in Amsterdam and together they minister through church plants and community groups, as well as, in CBS (Community Bible Study) throughout Northern Europe. In May, 2016, they began a 10 year online initiative called Power to Change,  seeking to reach the 250,000 people in the communities around them with the gospel. CBC has sent teams helping them promote the website.  

Click HERE for more information on GEM.
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The motto of The Navigators is “To know Christ, make Him known, and help others do the same.  They do this through building Life-to-Life mentoring relationships among Christ followers, equipping them to make an impact on the people around them for God’s glory."

Through the Navigators, Crossroads supports Alicia Garcia who works with the National Collegiate leadership team in recruitment.

Click HERE for more information about Alicia Garcia or HERE for more information about the Navigators.

Email contact:

Ratio Christi

Ratio Christi, a Student Apologetics Alliance, places Christian apologetics clubs in universities around the world in order to take part in the battle for the mind, and begin to reverse the Humanist trend of thought by providing and equipping students with answers to the pressing questions of life that shape our worldview.

Through Ratio Christi, Crossroads supports Danny and Becky Loe who live in Denton, TX mentoring UNT university students, as well as, holding webinars where university students around the world are introduced to apologetics

Click HERE for more information about Ratio Christi or HERE for more information about Danny Loe.
Email contact:

iHOPE Ministries

What is iHOPE Ministries?
Hopeful. We believe every Christian can be an authentic witness to people of other faiths in your daily life.

Accessible. You don’t need prior knowledge or experience to share the gospel, in love, with a friend from another faith background. Nor do you need knowledge of their holy book or culture to get started.

Empowering. The ‘5 Essentials’ are easy to remember, simple to do, and fruitful. No need to learn complex methods, new languages, or complicated rules to share the Good News.

Crossroads supports iHope founders and missionaries
Renod and Karen Bejjani.

For more information about iHOPE Ministries, visit

Haiti Bible Mission

Based in Jeremie, Haiti (120 miles west of Port-au-Prince), Haiti Bible Mission focuses on empowering indigenous Haitian leaders through leadership development.  This is done through discipleship, local church involvement, education community development and short-term missions. Our approach is highly relational and focuses on the most isolated and poverty stricken parts of western Haiti.  We also have a heart to provide relief through meeting physical needs such as providing shelter or intervening for healthcare.

Crossroads supports Mark Stockeland, founder of HBM.

For more information about HBM, visit their website or follow them on Facebook or Instagram 

Encourage our active missionaries

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