Charlie Ridenour

I grew up in the sprawling suburbs of Dallas. After high school, I moved to Chicago and went to Jesus college. Twice. I started on staff at CBC as the Director of Middle School Ministries sometime around Winter of 2008 (it was pre-wife and kiddos, so it all blends together). Honestly, I never thought I’d work at a church, but the people I've met here make me love this place more now than when I started. In a world where most churches are known for what they stand against and not what they stand for, the message of grace I found at CBC gave me a passion for the church and showed me I belong. I think being a church focused on grace means we tell the story of Jesus as one of rescue and not condemnation.

We laugh together more than any church staff ever should. The other fun part of my job is standing on a stage once a week and feeling tall. Wait, I said that wrong - I mean I get the privilege of teaching from the scriptures, thinking about strategy, big picture, and helping take us where God is leading as we live out His mission.

A few more fun facts - I’m a twin, so I’m naturally competitive. Although it doesn’t look like it, I was mildly athletic back in the day. I’m also old enough to use phrases like “back in the day” seamlessly in context. My wife, Sarah (insert joke about better half), and I are foodies - which explains why I used to be athletic.  We also have three kids. They are all too young to take care of themselves. I'd tell you more, but I'm too tired all of the time. 

"My goal for CBC is to be a conduit of God's goodness. I want this place to help us and others see that God is good - even when it's hard to see  - so  we might remind people that God is in the midst of rescuing a broken world."